Sunday, 18 December 2005

I am Furious with aol!!!

Aol have now plummeted the depths and I am furious with their latest tactic which in fact is their very own form of spam.

I'm sure that many others have by now recived an email inviting them to join the site of a friend.  When you click on the link and accept the invitation - putting in your own details, it automatically generates an email invitation to everyone on your address list to join 'your' site.

The crafty thing is, that it's not until you have clicked the ok button, that further down the page - it reveals everyone on your address list,  only then do you have the opportunity of taking off anyone on that list that you do not want to send the email to, but there is no indication before hand, that any emails are going to be sent out, and by then, it's too late.  So apologies to anyone who has received such an email from me - please ignore it - and any others that you receive or at least be warned of what is going to happen.

I am in an acutely embarassing position because this invite will have been sent to business addresses on my list.

I do hope someone at aol is reading this and takes note, and stops this nasty way of gathering email addresses.

a very angry and very red faced Freda!


Anonymous said...

Message recieved and understood !,Iagree this is out of order .Now what about another entry some time we miss you !you left us somewhere in Switzerland ,I know you dont still live there, so what happened in between ??......Jan xx

Anonymous said...

ooh Jan - I'm too angry at the moment to think of a journal entry - wish I was still in Switzerland!  I am busy sending out apology emails when I should be writing out my Christmas cards - which are woefully overdue anyway!  But I have a nice long Christmas break from work and will get around to writing then!
Merry Christmas Everybody - sorry for the rant!

Anonymous said...

oo-er I have been onto the aol message board with my complaint and it turns out that Hi5 is nothing to do with aol - so I have aplogised for my rant!  Apparently they had already recieved a warning about this site - how craftly people are - I am now furious with myself for having been taken in - so if you receive anything from a friend - still proceed with caution - it may not be anything to do with them or, as in this case, they have been duped themselves :-((
Freda - who has an even redder face now :-/

Anonymous said...

aol can mess about like that but cant even give me a proper service, have had comp freeze, internet access cutting, you name it, all aol's fault. Friend had so much trouble aol gave them 2 months free after they complained. Take care.